Musings on the Dynamic Development of Calculus: From Newton and Leibniz to Riemann and 19th Century Rigor

Aaron (Ari) Bornstein
5 min readJun 1, 2024


Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann

As students when learning Calculus in High School or discussing its impact on modern AI methods such as gradient descent we are often taught that calculus has not changed much since its development in the 17th century.

Most students take their teachers word for face value and do not question this myth, unaware that Calculus and mathematics as a discipline did not always have the same emphasis on rigorous foundations upon which it has been taught for the last century or that the development of this appreciation for rigor helped spur the mathematical revolutions of the late 19th century.

While it is true that the intuitive and heuristic methods of Newton and Leibniz laid the groundwork for calculus, the way we teach it today was actually formalized in the 19th century by Cauchy, Weierstrass, and Riemann.

For a truly honest philosophical discourse on mathematics it’s important to understand this historical progression can give students a deeper appreciation of the development of mathematical thought and the importance of rigor in ensuring the reliability of mathematical results.

Newton and Leibniz: Intuition and Innovation

Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently developed calculus in the late 17th century, revolutionizing mathematics and its applications.

Newton’s approach, centered on the concepts of “fluxions” and “fluents,” treated variables as quantities flowing over time. His methods involved geometric reasoning and infinitesimal increments, visualizing curves and tangents to analyze motion and change. For instance, in his “Principia Mathematica,” Newton used geometric constructions and limits to derive laws of motion and gravitational theory.

Leibniz, on the other hand, introduced a symbolic notation system with differentials (dx, dy) and integrals (∫), which has become standard in modern calculus. His method involved manipulating these differentials algebraically, enabling systematic derivations of differentiation and integration rules. For example, his proof of the product rule for differentiation relied on symbolic manipulation: d(uv) = u dv + v du.

Despite their groundbreaking work, both Newton and Leibniz relied on intuitive and heuristic reasoning. They used infinitesimals — quantities smaller than any finite number but not precisely defined — leading to ambiguities and paradoxes. Their methods, though effective and revolutionary, lacked the rigorous foundation necessary for complete reliability.

The 19th Century: The Rise of Rigor

By the early 19th century, the mathematical community recognized the need for greater rigor to address inconsistencies in calculus. This period marked a significant shift towards formalization, driven by the work of several key mathematicians.

Augustin-Louis Cauchy was pivotal in introducing rigor into calculus. He provided precise definitions for limits, continuity, and convergence, and formalized the concepts of derivatives and integrals. Cauchy’s work laid the groundwork for rigorous analysis, moving away from the intuitive methods of his predecessors. His approach involved clear, logical deductions based on well-defined principles.

Karl Weierstrass further advanced mathematical rigor by formalizing the concept of limits and functions without relying on geometric intuition. He emphasized ε-δ definitions, which became standard in analysis. Weierstrass’s methods eliminated the ambiguities associated with infinitesimals, providing a more robust foundation for calculus.

Lastly, Bernhard Riemann made crucial contributions to the rigor of integration. He developed the Riemann integral, defining it through the concept of Riemann sums. This approach involved partitioning the domain of a function into subintervals, summing the products of function values and subinterval lengths, and taking the limit as the subintervals became infinitely small. Riemann’s method provided a precise and general definition of the integral, applicable to a wider range of functions, including those with discontinuities.

The Legacy of Rigor

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The rigorous approaches developed by 19th-century mathematicians, particularly Riemann’s work on integration, fundamentally shape how calculus is taught today.

Modern calculus courses emphasize precise definitions, logical proofs, and the ε-δ approach to limits and continuity. Students learn about Riemann sums as a way to understand the integral, providing a clear and methodical framework for calculating areas under curves.

Mathematical rigor has undergone significant evolution from the intuitive and heuristic methods of the early pioneers of calculus to the formal, precise approaches that characterize modern mathematics.

This transformation is especially evident when comparing the work of 17th-century mathematicians like Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz with the rigorous formalism introduced in the 19th century by figures such as Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Karl Weierstrass, and Bernhard Riemann.

The rigorous formalism introduced in the 19th century transformed calculus and mathematical analysis. Mathematicians like Cauchy, Weierstrass, and Riemann established a precise, logical foundation that resolved many of the ambiguities and paradoxes of earlier methods. This transformation enabled the development of more advanced mathematical theories and applications, solidifying the reliability and universality of mathematical results.

The emphasis on rigor distinguishes mathematics from more applied disciplines like engineering, which often rely on practical solutions and approximations. While engineering focuses on functionality and performance, mathematics seeks universal truths through logical deduction and proof. This rigorous foundation ensures that mathematical results are definitive and universally applicable.

The evolution of mathematical rigor from the intuitive methods of Newton and Leibniz to the formalism of Cauchy, Weierstrass, and Riemann highlights the dynamic nature of mathematical progress. The shift towards rigor not only resolved inconsistencies but also expanded the scope and reliability of mathematical inquiry. This progression underscores the importance of rigor in establishing mathematics as a distinct and foundational discipline, enabling profound advances across all areas of science and technology, and shaping the way calculus is taught today.

About the Author

Aaron (Ari) Bornstein is an AI researcher with a passion for history, engaging with new technologies and computational medicine. As Applied Machine Learning and Data Science lead for Microsoft Healthcare in Israel, he works on developing disruptive technologies for the Healthcare industry using advanced NLP algorithms. Previously he worked in positions in which collaborated with the Machine Learning Community and Israeli Start Up Ecosystem. In 2017, Ari founded Olim In Tech, a volunteer led community geared towards empowering & connecting Olim who work or want to be working in hi-tech.



Aaron (Ari) Bornstein

<Microsoft Open Source Engineer> I am an AI enthusiast with a passion for engaging with new technologies, history, and computational medicine.